Sunday 31 March 2013

Acupuncture for back pain

If asked "do you think acupuncture is effective?" I tend to respond "yes. A recent meta analysis from Pedro concluded that included 13 studies stated that acupuncture does reduce back pain. The study also concludes that the effect of acupuncture was no different to sham acupuncture ( random application of needles at arbitrary points around the body). The following study illustrates the effects of sham surgery- . It seems to me that the effectiveness of any treatment relies on the scale of manipulative intervention, that is to say that the homeopathic approach, which consists of no manipulative therapy and focuses on verbal communication will not be as effective as an approach on the other end of the spectrum in regards elaborate nature of the treatment such as sham surgery- I would suppose then that the placebo affect increases as elaborate nature of the treatment increases, we can therefore grade the placebo effect of various treatments from homeopathic, massage, acupuncture, sham surgery.


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